VS Code Git Graph 的 drop 跟 git reset 的比較
應該是同一種東西~ 會把選取的commit刪除,並且並且還原檔案,這正是這兩者與undo的不同之處(undo 會將檔案保留commit前的狀態,所以會跟最新的commit比較,可以直接推新的commit)。雖然我現在想要undo,但是短時間找不到方法。
我應該要將 .gitignore 加進 .gitignore 裡嗎?
詳答(冗答?) by GPT:
No, you should not include .gitignore in the .gitignore file itself.
- Sharing Ignoring Rules: The .gitignore file contains rules for ignoring certain files and directories in your Git repository (like build outputs, temporary files, or system-specific files). By tracking this file in Git, you ensure that every contributor to the project has the same set of ignore rules, which helps in maintaining consistency.
- Collaborative Maintenance: Including .gitignore in your repository allows team members to propose or modify ignore rules collaboratively. This is particularly important in projects where new tools, dependencies, or build processes might introduce new files that should be ignored.
- Project Standardization: When new contributors clone the repository, they automatically receive the ignore rules. This prevents accidental commits of unwanted files and helps new team members adhere to the project's standards without having to configure anything manually.
- Transparency and Clarity: A tracked .gitignore file provides clarity about what files are being ignored and why. This transparency is valuable for both new and existing team members and can be crucial for troubleshooting and understanding the project structure.
- Best Practices: It's a widely accepted best practice in software development to include .gitignore in your repository. This ensures that all necessary configurations for the project are version-controlled and available to every member of the team.
Google signals removed from the reporting
We’re reaching out to inform you that we’ll be making changes to how Google Analytics 4 measures users across devices and platforms. Google signals will be removed from the reporting identity on February 12, 2024. This change will apply to all of your Google Analytics 4 properties and will only affect reporting features. Google Analytics will still collect Google signals, when enabled, to be used in demographics and interests reporting. Google signals will also still support audience and conversion use cases, like remarketing and conversion optimization in linked Google advertising products.You can preview how this change will impact your Google Analytics 4 reporting now by disabling the “Include Google signals in reporting identity” option for any of your properties in the “Admin” page under Property settings > Data collection and modification > Data collection > Google signals data collection.To learn more, read the detailed explanation on Reporting Identities in Google Analytics 4.
同事分享了這個文章 (lovesdata),我照著試了一家客戶,完全無影響。
第一次使用 Google Merchant Center
某天在GSC晃ㄚ晃,跳提示說可以串接,看起來很吸引人我就按了!串接後產品資料直接被引入,但明明沒有設定structured data,不知道怎麼進去的。搞了半天,跟我說台灣不適用...雖然這個政策以前就知道,但還是覺得白忙一場。
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好挖苦人 |
使用Markdown做出收闔效果 (在HackMD)
我常用的筆記軟體是 HackMD,比Notion簡單快速許多,但是沒有Notion的Toggle 功能。找到這篇文章利用HTML的輔助來達成。限制是其Toggle 本身如果加上Heading Tag,則會跑版(已經嘗試文章中留言區的各種解法)。比較好的解套是在Toggle 外面直接用Markdown做出標題。(來源)
這次聊到 Markdown,今天剛好發現FB Messenger 也開始用 Markdown 語法,害我現在不能打 > < 裝可ㄞ了。好氣 ˋ ˊ